The chemical analysis of the surface and the central part of the products with high surface cracks in the surface of the high alumina refractory bricks shows that the Al2O3 on the brick surface is 1% -2% higher than the central part and the SiO2 is 1% -2% Center more than 10 times higher. It was found that the content of mullite was 12% lower than that of the central part, 4% -5% in corundum and 7% -8% in glass. This indicates that during the migration of Na2O, Na + volatilizes and adsorbs on the surface of high alumina brick, which will promote the decomposition of mullite, reduce the mullite on the surface of the product, and increase the corundum and glass phases. As the surface of the liquid phase increased and early appearance, so that the brick surface premature contraction, resulting in the production of reticulation.
Practice shows that in order to avoid and reduce the high aluminum brick surface network cracks, 1.2. High bauxite clinker water absorption were controlled at 4% -5% below, the tube of water absorption should also be controlled at 5.5 % Below, the excess air coefficient control between 1.1-1.2 is appropriate, so that high alumina brick firing in a stable weak atmosphere.
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Article Source: refractory fire brick
Company name: Henan Xinmi Changxing Refractory Materials Co.,Ltd