
Construction of EAF Dry Ramming Mass


The specific construction steps can refer to the following scheme:

1. After shoveling the material flat with a shovel, step on it firmly with your foot to remove the air, insert the steel drill into the material and shake it repeatedly, and then use your foot to keep it solid. The construction thickness of each layer of the ramming material is 150~ 200mm is appropriate, and then use a knotting tool to ram it 3 times in a spiral shape from the periphery to the center.

2. The method to check the quality of knotting is usually to put a round steel with a diameter of 5mm on the ramming layer and press it down with a pressure of 10kg, and its depth does not exceed 30mm.

3. Steel brazing can be inserted forcefully during site construction, and its depth should not exceed 30mm. The method of knotting the furnace slope is the same as that of the furnace bottom. First, use your feet firmly, and then use the knotting device to ramming. The maximum angle between the furnace slope and the furnace bottom does not exceed 40°. Prevent rolling or collapse due to the furnace slope is too large.

4. In places where steel tapping bricks, furnace doors and other places where molten steel is agitated and scoured severely, it should be rammed strongly and can be appropriately thickened to extend the service life of the refractory materials in these damaged parts as much as possible.

5. After the ramming is finished, cover the ramming material with 5~10mm thick thin steel plate to prevent the shape of the furnace bottom from being damaged or the waste steel penetrates the ramming material layer when loading the scrap steel, which may cause the hidden danger of steel leakage. If steel cannot be made in time, 100~200mm thick lime should be placed on the iron plate to prevent hydration of the ramming material.

When knotting the ramming material, it must be operated strictly in accordance with the construction requirements to ensure the compactness of the ramming material, otherwise it will cause the ramming material to shrink seriously during use, causing a large number of cracks and spalling, resulting in a decrease in life.

The first furnace is very important for smelting, and the oxygen blowing pipe must not be inserted too deep during oxygen blowing and decarburization, otherwise it is easy to cause the ramming material at the bottom of the furnace to turn up and produce big pits. During the smelting of the first furnace, the bottom of the furnace can be covered with a layer of lime, which not only prevents the scrap steel from directly hitting the bottom of the furnace, but also prevents the ramming material from hydrating, and can form slag earlier.

Article Source:Construction of EAF Dry Ramming Mass
Company name: Henan Changxing Refractory Materials Co.,Ltd
More refractory products:https://www.cxrefractories.com/en-product-solution

