Iron and steel industry is the largest consumption of refractory industry, iron and steel industry with refractory materials accounted for about 70% of the total consumption of refractory products, the size of the iron and steel industry directly determines the market capacity of refractory materials. Building materials industry, including cement, glass, ceramics, etc., building materials industry is the second major industrial consumption of refractories, accounting for 17% of the total consumption of refractory materials.There also have refractory fire brick, refractory raw materials, refractory nozzle, etc.
Industry development trend: refractory materials in the iron and steel, nonferrous metals, petrochemical, building materials, machinery, electric power, light industry and other basic industries, as well as aerospace and naval vessels, missiles and other military areas are widely used. Refractory materials mainly used in the field and the proportion of their consumption of steel industry accounted for 70%, followed by cement, ceramics, glass, chemical, nonferrous metals, accounting for 7%, 4%, 4%, 3%, 6%.
Our refractories industry how to develop, China refractories Association believes that future refractories industry should firmly grasp the three aspects of the variety structure, organization structure, industry structure adjustment.
To adjust the structure of the varieties is to by the domestic and foreign market oriented, and actively develop longer service life, no pollution, energy saving, the function of refractory products.
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