
Essentials of refractory construction for RH refining furnace

 RH system equipment is a secondary refining process equipment for molten steel used to produce high-quality steel. The entire molten steel metallurgical reaction is carried out in a vacuum tank with refractory lining. The lower part of the vacuum tank is two dip pipes with refractory lining, and the upper part is equipped with hot elbows. The temperature during refining in RH furnace is as high as 1600~1700℃.

Therefore, the lining refractories are required to have high fire resistance, can withstand the impact of maximum temperature and local overheating, and have a small amount of liquid phase at high temperatures, and can resist the erosion of low-viscosity slag. Alkaline bricks with high purity and direct bonding rate should be selected. The intermittent operation of HR will cause temperature fluctuations, and the material is required to have excellent thermal shock resistance. It is better to use magnesia carbon bricks and magnesia chrome bricks with the best thermal shock resistance.

In addition to selecting suitable refractory materials, construction is also the key to the service life of RH refining furnaces.

Ramming material construction: The bottom of the lower trough, the refractory bricks and the circumference of the circulation pipe are constructed with ramming material. Due to the high pressure, the ramming material is required to be compact, especially for some irregular shapes. A special hammer head is used for construction to ensure that the compactness of the ramming material meets the requirements.

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Article Source:Essentials of refractory construction for RH refining furnace
Company name: Henan Changxing Refractory Materials Co.,Ltd
More refractory products:https://www.cxrefractories.com/en-product-solution

