
What are the properties of high alumina bricks

 High alumina brick is a commonly used refractory material, which is often used in building stacking. It has properties such as refractoriness, slag resistance, load softening temperature, thermal shock stability, and reburning line changes. Good performance, but you need to pay attention to the method of use if it is too heavy.

1. What are the properties of high alumina bricks
1. Refractoriness: High-alumina brick products are the advanced varieties of aluminum silicate refractory products, and their refractoriness varies with Al2O3. The content increases with the increase, generally not lower than 1750-1790℃.
For example, corundum bricks with Al2O3 content greater than 95%, the refractoriness can be as high as 1900-2000℃.
2. Load softening temperature: The load softening temperature of high alumina brick products decreases with the increase of silica and alkali metal oxide content. But it is higher than clay brick products, about 1420-1530℃.
Al2O3. The softening temperature of corundum bricks with a content of more than 95% can reach above 1600℃.
3. Slag resistance: As the aluminum oxide in high alumina brick products is neutral and high in content, these materials have strong resistance to the erosion of acid and alkaline slag.
4. Thermal shock stability: In high-alumina brick products, two crystals of corundum and mullite coexist, because the coefficient of thermal expansion of corundum is larger than that of mullite.
5. Reburning line change: If the high alumina brick product has sufficient firing temperature and sufficient firing time, the volume will be stable and the refire line change will be small. On the contrary, it will produce residual shrinkage such as clay brick products, which is also caused by recrystallization.

Article Source:What are the properties of high alumina bricks
Company name: Henan Xinmi Changxing Refractory Materials Co.,Ltd
Email: info@cxrefractories.com

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